Ken has been in the plumbing industry since 1989 having worked in wholesale distribution, as a manufacturer’s representative, as the regulatory compliance manager for a major manufacturer of grease interceptors, and now as a consultant to the pretreatment community. He has extensive experience in dealing with commercial grease interceptors; how they work, the codes and standards that govern them, and the stakeholders affected by them.
Ken is currently a member of the grease interceptor standards committees for ASME A112.14.3, CSA B481, IAPMO/ANSI Z1000/Z1001, and the new harmonized standards, ASME A112.14.3/CSA B481.1 and ASME A112.14.4/CSA B481.5. He is also a member of the American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), CSA Group, International Code Council (ICC), and California Water Environment Association (CWEA).
Ken was a contributing editor of the American Society of Plumbing Engineers 2016-2017 and 2020 editions of Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook, Volume 4: Plumbing Components and Equipment, Chapter 8: Grease Interceptors.
Ken has given live presentations to thousands of people across the US and Canada on various subjects relating to commercial grease interceptors. Audiences have included pretreatment professionals, environmental inspectors and program administrators, plumbing, mechanical and civil engineers, plumbing code officials and plumbing and pumping contractors.
Ken resides in Vancouver, Washington with his wife Becca, near their three children and four beloved grand-dudes. He will happily admit that their future drives his passion.